Musical Prelude: Charlottesville Municipal Band, James W. Simmons, Conductor -- Academic Processional: Faculty Marshal, Raymond F. Bratton, Professor of Chemistry, Marshals for the Graduates, Martha T. Clutter, Associate...
Musical Prelude: Charlottesville Municipal Band, James W. Simmons, Conductor -- Academic Processional: Faculty Marshal: Raymond F. Bratton, Professor of Chemistry, Marshals for the Graduates, Martha T. Clutter, Associate...
Musical Prelude: Charlottesville Municipal Band, James W. Simmons, Conductor -- Academic Processional: Faculty Marshal: Raymond F. Bratton, Professor of Chemistry, Marshals for the Graduates: Marietta McCarty, Instructor of...
Musical Prelude: Charlottesville Municipal Band, James W. Simmons, Conductor -- Academic Processional: Faculty Marshal, Raymond F. Bratton, Professor of Chemistry, Marshals for the Graduates: Letty A. Macdonald, Assistant...
Musical Prelude: Charlottesville Municipal Band, James W. Simmons, Conductor -- Academic Processional, Charlottesville Municipal Band: Faculty Marshal, Raymond F. Bratton, Professor of Chemistry, Marshals for the Graduates:...
Musical Prelude: Charlottesville Municipal Band, James W. Simmons, Conductor -- Academic Processional, Charlottesville Municipal Band: Faculty Marshal: Dr. Raymond F. Bratton, Marshals for the Graduates: John W. Albright, Mary...
Musical Prelude: Arthur Wheeler, Organist -- Academic Processional, Pomp and Circumstance by Sir Edward Elgar: Faculty Marshal, Dr. Raymond F. Bratton, Marshals for the Graduates: Marietta McCarty, Dr. Gustave P. Kiewra --...
Musical Procession: Lavelva Stevens, Organist, St. Mark's Lutheran Church -- Academic Procession: "Trumpet Voluntary," by Stanley -- Invocation: The Reveren Carl J. Naro, Pastor, Holy Comforter Catholic Church, Charlottesville...