Commencement Exercises, 2009


MLA citation style (9th ed.)

Piedmont Virginia Community College. Commencement Exercises, 2009. . 2009.

APA citation style (7th ed.)

P. V. C. College. (2009). Commencement Exercises, 2009.

Chicago citation style (CMOS 17, author-date)

Piedmont Virginia Community College. Commencement Exercises, 2009. 2009.

Note: These citations are programmatically generated and may be incomplete.

Musical Prelude: Charlottesville Municipal Band -- Academic Processional: Faculty Marshal, Pryor Hale, Professor of Psychology, Marshal for the Graduates, Irina Timchenko, Instructor in Mathematics, Diane Valade, Assistant Professor of Mathematics -- The National Anthem: Daniella S. Benton, PVCC Student, A.A., Liberal Arts -- Welcome and Introductions: Frank Friedman, President -- Greetings from the State Board for Community Colleges: Nathaniel X. Marshall, Member, State Board for Community Colleges -- Greetings from the College Board and Introduction of the Speaker: J. Walter Levering, Chair, Piedmont Virginia Community College Board -- Commencement Address: The Honorable Tom Perriello, Congressman, U.S. House of Representatives -- Awards and Recognitions: Dr. Friedman -- Presentation of Candidates for Degrees and Certificates: Kathleen M. Hudson, Interim Vice President, Instruction and Student Services -- Conferring of Degrees and Certificates: Dr. Friedman -- Awarding of Degrees and Certificates: Dr. Friedman, Dr. Hudson -- Introduction of Student Speaker for the Graduates: Dr. Hudson -- Speaker for the Graduates: Emily Renee Traylor, A.A. Liberal Arts, Summa cum laude, A.A. Fine Arts, Music, Summa cum laude -- Closing Remarks: William P. Jackameit, Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services -- Benediction: Ms. Traylor -- Recessional: Charlottesville Municipal Band

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