Commencement Exercises, 2005


MLA citation style (9th ed.)

Piedmont Virginia Community College. Commencement Exercises, 2005. . 2005.

APA citation style (7th ed.)

P. V. C. College. (2005). Commencement Exercises, 2005.

Chicago citation style (CMOS 17, author-date)

Piedmont Virginia Community College. Commencement Exercises, 2005. 2005.

Note: These citations are programmatically generated and may be incomplete.

Musical Prelude: Charlottesville Municipal Band, James W. Simmons, Conductor -- Academic Processional: Faculty Marshal, Evelyn Edson, Professor of History, Marshals for the Graduates, John R. Fogelgren, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Camille Vande Berge, Professor of French -- The National Anthem: Led by Barbara Edwards -- Welcome and Introductions: Frank Friedman, President -- Greetings from the College Board: Fred Copeland, Chair, Piedmont Virginia Community College Board -- Introduction of the Speaker: Mr. Copeland -- Commencement Address: Robert M. O'Neil, Director, Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression -- Presentation of Student Awards: Dr. Friedman -- Presentation of the Alumni Award: Colleen Smith, President, Piedmont Virginia Community College Alumni Association -- Presentation of Candidates for Degrees and Certificates: Marsal P. Stoll, Vice President, Instruction and Student Services -- Conferring of Degrees and Certificates: Dr. Friedman -- Awarding of Degrees and Certificates: Dr. Friedman, Dr. Stoll -- Introduction of Student Speaker for the Graduates: Dr. Stoll -- Speaker for the Graduates: John Henry Cavendish Atkins, Certificate, Surgical Technology -- Closing Remarks: William P. Jackameit, Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services -- Benediction: Mr. Atkins

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